10+ Hilarious Examples Of Cat Logic
10+ hilarious examples of cat logic:
10+ Hilarious Examples Of Cat Logic
Let's face it, cats are one of the most confusing animals on Earth. Everyone knows that they eat, they sleep, they want to destroy your life (and the world), etc. But how they do these things is really out of the question. Scroll down for some weird cat logics that we could never understand. #1 What…
My cat max likes to lay on my coloring book when I am trying to color and even though he has his own table to lay on he wants to lay on mine and he will knock anything on to the floor if he thinks it is in his way
Luke Brooke I smiled and laughed at all of these
Sania Haq see how cute dey are
Raven Farley this shit is hilarious
I know the pain.
Love it