I wish someone would do that to me. Join our group: Happy Cats
I wish someone would do that to me.
Join our group: Happy Cats
You can anytime just start scraping 150$ with a descent tip, thats how they make a living and and the world goes around an round
My old cat do this to me. But, it hurt me because the claw it’s sinking to my skin.
We all know someone that needs this right now…❤️
Cookie Everett you need to like this page. Cutest pics!
Lol Ina, I know I know you want both.. I always tag you in these 🙂
My one cat walks my back to massage the aches
Roi Clay We had a cat that actually gave massages! Lol
I wouldn’t mind having this done on my back I am sore
Hey I need a back scratch like that They adorable love them
My cat bella does the same to me,but sometimes it hurts and it is not pleasant at all!
My Abyssinian do this to me all the time Not great 6am in the morning
Jake us because we love all the backrubs
I could definitely use this in my life right about now LOL
jealous– would so love a back rub
My fi fi also do like that sometimes looking cute n made love u fi fi
I wish I had a pussy to give me a massage
What breed of cat is this? I need one in my life!
what breed of cat is this please?
My cat does that to me I love it so vute
Farha Foez…..annu chulkay daoo to
One day my girlfriend will do this to me. Right Renee?
I need to get me 1 of these cat”s!!!
But they have to keep their claws in
Razan our thing
Gilmara i need this!
David Alexander he’s makin muffffinnns
Alicia when your back hurts.
Stefanie Douglass if only these kittens knew the magic of the roller thing
Lee Zi Jing omg it’s just like me scratching ur back!
Andrew Dang this cat gives longer massages than you
Source: via Kitty Lover on We Love Kitties
You can anytime just start scraping 150$ with a descent tip, thats how they make a living and and the world goes around an round
My old cat do this to me. But, it hurt me because the claw it’s sinking to my skin.
We all know someone that needs this right now…❤️
Cookie Everett you need to like this page. Cutest pics!
Lol Ina, I know I know you want both..
I always tag you in these 🙂
My one cat walks my back to massage the aches
Roi Clay
We had a cat that actually gave massages! Lol
I wouldn’t mind having this done on my back I am sore
Hey I need a back scratch like that They adorable love them
My cat bella does the same to me,but sometimes it hurts and it is not pleasant at all!
My Abyssinian do this to me all the time
Not great 6am in the morning
Jake us because we love all the backrubs
I could definitely use this in my life right about now LOL
jealous– would so love a back rub
My fi fi also do like that sometimes looking cute n made love u fi fi
I wish I had a pussy to give me a massage
What breed of cat is this? I need one in my life!
what breed of cat is this please?
My cat does that to me I love it so vute
Farha Foez…..annu chulkay daoo to
One day my girlfriend will do this to me. Right Renee?
I need to get me 1 of these cat”s!!!
But they have to keep their claws in
Razan our thing
Gilmara i need this!
David Alexander he’s makin muffffinnns
Alicia when your back hurts.
Stefanie Douglass if only these kittens knew the magic of the roller thing
Lee Zi Jing omg it’s just like me scratching ur back!
Andrew Dang this cat gives longer massages than you