This kitten riding a turtle and I can’t cope. Join our group: Happy Cats
This kitten riding a turtle and I can’t cope. 😍😭
Join our group: Happy Cats
Can’t stand it. Precious. One question: Is the turtle an Uber?
A hooman put it on top of the tortoise. Lol Tortoise: get off me, kid!. Kitten: I’m trying, slow down!.
The kitten is probably scared to death, as well as the turle.
Only if people can live with each other with that much of love ❤
Areebah You, because I am slow as shit.
Nex just how fucking adorable is this??
Jasmin should get one for Harry and call it Gary and then there will be a Gary the tortoise
Zonia your two favorite things other than fall!
Amna cats have unconventional wisdom too!
John Lauder ur the kitten and I’m the turtle carrying you to class
This is so unbelieveable and cute
Mew and Wartortle join forces!
yes hi hello Theresa i am not having feelings tonight because i’ve decided so.
The turtle is his taxi so cute
okay, I have to ask, why does the kitten have to ride on the turtle?
robert if you see this one, i think you will like it son
Hi yo, Tinfoil! We’ll get that bad hombre…
Never do that to a turtle, what is wrong with you!
Agnė Balčiūnaitė they see me rolling.. They hatiiing
Τζίνα Παππά look at the caption
Nida Shahid this is so cute ;-;
Hazza Ben Sophie Dunne why did I think of you two when I saw this!!
Pratibha’s nightout plans at Aishwarya’s Inn
Melissa Graham,you need a turtle 🙂
WAIT Albert Zhang YOU’RE ON THIS PAGE TOO?? I literally can’t, you’re such a cinnamon roll <3
Oh my goodness something you sure don’t expect to see beautiful!
Abdul Wahab Aziz kate could walk faster… but noo .. lazy af
Imama Nadeem your ride from Lahore to pindi …
Cuase I have to compensate for the day’s I Iaid low Mayar Attawiya
Bridget Kenney am I the kitten or the turtle? TBD
Carilynne Ng the horse riding discussion!
I wish someone would do that to me.
Khanh Lê Nguyễn
Tasha Sutton why won’t u let me get a turtle
Rozzy Roz omg sooooo cute!!
omg it’s popcorn lol Ashley Bayham
HAHAHAHA u guys pishi would do this lol Neena BazazDave Paddle
Renzo Martel I can’t deal with how cute this is.
Source: via Kitty Lover on We Love Kitties
Can’t stand it. Precious. One question: Is the turtle an Uber?
A hooman put it on top of the tortoise. Lol
Tortoise: get off me, kid!.
Kitten: I’m trying, slow down!.
The kitten is probably scared to death, as well as the turle.
Only if people can live with each other with that much of love ❤
Areebah You, because I am slow as shit.
Nex just how fucking adorable is this??
Jasmin should get one for Harry and call it Gary and then there will be a Gary the tortoise
Zonia your two favorite things other than fall!
Amna cats have unconventional wisdom too!
John Lauder ur the kitten and I’m the turtle carrying you to class
This is so unbelieveable and cute
Mew and Wartortle join forces!
yes hi hello Theresa i am not having feelings tonight because i’ve decided so.
The turtle is his taxi so cute
okay, I have to ask, why does the kitten have to ride on the turtle?
robert if you see this one, i think you will like it son
Hi yo, Tinfoil! We’ll get that bad hombre…
Never do that to a turtle, what is wrong with you!
Agnė Balčiūnaitė they see me rolling.. They hatiiing
Τζίνα Παππά look at the caption
Nida Shahid this is so cute ;-;
Hazza Ben Sophie Dunne why did I think of you two when I saw this!!
Pratibha’s nightout plans at Aishwarya’s Inn
Melissa Graham,you need a turtle 🙂
WAIT Albert Zhang YOU’RE ON THIS PAGE TOO?? I literally can’t, you’re such a cinnamon roll <3
Oh my goodness something you sure don’t expect to see beautiful!
Abdul Wahab Aziz kate could walk faster… but noo .. lazy af
Imama Nadeem your ride from Lahore to pindi …
Cuase I have to compensate for the day’s I Iaid low Mayar Attawiya
Bridget Kenney am I the kitten or the turtle? TBD
Carilynne Ng the horse riding discussion!
I wish someone would do that to me.
Khanh Lê Nguyễn
Tasha Sutton why won’t u let me get a turtle
Rozzy Roz omg sooooo cute!!
omg it’s popcorn lol Ashley Bayham
HAHAHAHA u guys pishi would do this lol Neena BazazDave Paddle
Renzo Martel I can’t deal with how cute this is.