My cat Bonnie used to love riding in a shoe box. We would tell her hang on and she would put her paws on top of the box and we would slide her across the living room rug. She loved doing this. Miss her so much !
Posted because my granddaughter Brooke Austin once had to be told this (can’t remember the circumstances at the moment) but she was quite weepy over something that had happened.
Somehow that’s not funny. And to film the dogs harassing kitty. Wow. Kitty don’t seem to be enjoying would be another matter if cat enjoyed these 2 doing that.
Everyone says how the cat looks pissed off….if he was, he’d be gone. Those cats always have a distainful look on their faces.
My cat Bonnie used to love riding in a shoe box. We would tell her hang on and she would put her paws on top of the box and we would slide her across the living room rug. She loved doing this. Miss her so much !
Posted because my granddaughter Brooke Austin once had to be told this (can’t remember the circumstances at the moment) but she was quite weepy over something that had happened.
Elise Taylor instead of getting two dogs you should get one cat and one dog, it’s such a great combination when done right 🙂
Somehow that’s not funny. And to film the dogs harassing kitty. Wow. Kitty don’t seem to be enjoying would be another matter if cat enjoyed these 2 doing that.
Alex and Sarah – time to train Georgie – Miss S would love this!
Corrie Thurman now this will be Jetta forcing Klyde and Kleine to pull her around.
Someone is going to get a swot very soon!!!
Jamaica Es do u think Beauty and Beast could do this with princess
Notice how the dogs do all the work and the cats has the pleasure?!
Just love this, so cute and sooooo funny! Lysianne
This is the best ever…lol
Good doggies. Now, take me to the kitchen for lunch.
Helen Hardie Mueller
Beyond the party poopers on these comments, this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while
I love that little blue green couch in the background where did you purchase it
Hahahaah oh I love animals they are the best
Lmao, cat looks mad,,, look at it’s ears lmao
Once more around the living room
Neil Daly this is my kind of video I just love it
kitty does not look amused..this will not end well
Do they charge for that ride?
We told that to our eldest granddaughter one time and for some reason it made her cry.
Noel fits into that
Lol those cuties are lucky they don’t get a kapow on their noses!!!
Loving these pets… cute…..
And they have claws ,scratchy ,Scratchy .lol
Roozi Khani lmao the cats like yeah keep going
OMG if this isn’t the cutest ever…love this…love this
Omgosh cutest thing ever! Hug Port
Carolyn Coulter it’s Zani if Ollie had been around!
Jack Koumas this would be Zelda if we had dogs lol
Keep pulling slaves! lol
Paul Kelly
This is really funny
Pull, my slaves, pull 🙂
Americas Got Talent..contestants???
So true!!!!
cats rule dogs druel..