Kitties love this kind of massage!!!….it is a place where they can not SCRATCH.. I think both mine would lay there for hours for that massage!!!….. However, when the older male kittie wants me to stop massaging , he puts his front leg and paw on my arm as if to say, “Thanks, time to stop.”…He is so smart and sweet.
Kitties love this kind of massage!!!….it is a place where they can not SCRATCH.. I think both mine would lay there for hours for that massage!!!….. However, when the older male kittie wants me to stop massaging , he puts his front leg and paw on my arm as if to say, “Thanks, time to stop.”…He is so smart and sweet.
Pooja wish I was that cat.
Lavinia, we should probably open a business, face massages for cats.
Marîa King gotta get those massage techniques down packed
Farha Tabassum fluffy cat blessing you with power to complete all your assignments and watch cat videos again
Danielle i keep trying to do this with dennis but he won’t let me
Sam Does yours let you do this?
Serena Lin this may be the cutest cat I’ve ever seen in my life
Christian how you look while I’m massaging you
please gentle,because this is littlebet hard for me,I am,just a little baby.
Nick Frei very important that you see this
Abigail one of the cutest kitties
Leo Rochon I want it… both of them . Face massage and the kitty .
Asha Couch tagging u bc adorable James Case tagging u bc I got asmr from this lmaooo
Amanda Jagus I’m doing everything to not do my reading
Amanda Segura one small toasted kitten getting a some good pets
Christe all the feels <3 <3 <3
If you had a bad day, try this.
Mine Zeybek
Haya Khan and then there’s my cat
Benedict I can’t understand how you don’t like cats
Khwaish me when you text
Octavio Nava babe u want me to rub u dwn like that?
俊杰 u this chubby face
Lauren Claire reminds me of when you used to rub Dudie’s jaws… he’d go limp, purr and fall asleep
Michelle Xu is this what I’m going to catch you doing
Nivedita Venkatesh Now now this is what a stress buster looks like
Mitchell This is so wholesome, I’m going to cry, omg
You truly need a cat this cuteness could be yours
Christina Nguyen have a gud day with a daily dose of cute kitties
Laila Qamar in commemoration of Arya and Laila day
Ooohhh, I actually said that out loud, that is just the cutest thing eevveerrrrrr
Monika ~ Daily dose of toe beans
Isabelle William Dean is this not the cutest thing ever?
Look at this adorable cattens Alejandro Dobrinow
massage like this Alec Ello
Can we do this to your cats Shane D’Souza
Beffy Dinns Parisa McKinney I wish next door’s cat was like this instead