My Asthmatic Kitty Cat Getting His Meds – We Love Cats and Kittens
This kitty is called Pretzel, he’s 9 years old and for the last 5 years he’s been suffering from asthma…
My Asthmatic Kitty Cat Getting His Meds – We Love Cats and Kittens
This kitty is called Pretzel, he's 9 years old and for the last 5 years he's been suffering from asthma.
My little pastel calico has asthma also. Her lung X-rays showed little doughnuts, the sign of asthma. She’s been on Ventolin since she was six months old. She’s gotten used to it and takes it like a champ.
At one time I had a cat and a dog with asthma. They loved to run around and play, then they would have to take time out to breathe. They would lay down together and catch their breath and then start to play again. Still have the kitty. See will come to me and lay down now and catch her breath. Such a sweet girl
Angela Hoffmann maybe pickles needs this? Another vet visit? Suggest this?
Awwwwww bless! Know what that’s like! My little willow has asthma and allergies and is on meds too!
So happy that her human’s can afford to keep her healthy
Aww poor baby
Oh kitty thats not fun i have it. Knot to fun
Hope his owner doesn’t give him milk.
So sweet
Hope your cat feels better soon