Those blue eyes! (Via: Mona The Siberian) Join our group: Happy Cats
Those blue eyes! 😍💘 (Via: Mona The Siberian)
Join our group: Happy Cats
My cat before long he is in heaven..
My cat
Found her last night in back our house so beatifull with blue eyes
I Such a gorgeous kitty, so pretty….. this is about one of the most expensive kitties money can buy…espcially if they are all white with blue EYES. HOWEVER, I”M NOT TOO SURE ABOUT THEIR temperament !!
This is Bailey, 1yr old.
I have to admit my cats eyes are better
My kitty is a Ragdoll.
Martin Hippie almost as blue as your eyes 😛
aaawww bless hun so adorable and cute x
wow look at his blue eyes really owesome
Karla Wood look at those eyes
That kitty has been hitting the spice.
A water galaxy in the eyes.
This is my cat he has not blue eyes but he is cute
Bob Wolf looks like it could be Willie’s brother!
a bionic cat.hope she finds her home.
Absolutely beautiful love the color blue eyes
oh I love those blue eyes, can I have her, I would love and cherish her forever.
Those eyes look like the mysterious sea and I am completely enchanted. :*
We are Siamese if you dont please…meeooww
Vidhi Vora fell for those eyes
BLUE EYES WHITE CAT, shoukan!!!!
Wow the eyes are so nice!
Thats bluer than my local river… then again everything is bluer than my local river
Merel Bonte even this cat his eyes are beautifuller than mine 🙁
Wow do you think those are real?? Never seen eyes like that on a cat before!!
The most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen!
What incredible eyes – she is so beautiful
Marlee Hennessy as beautiful as your baby blues
This is our cat Pierre…… But now he is lost
i see the ocean through those eyes!!
Pinky Das those eyes….
Sophia Brown this is what ocean eyes is about lol
Awe Lana Lavadier thats how that kitty will look
Lilly Hall looks like sassy!
My beautiful rescue kitten
Raya Saeed i kill u with my eyes!!!!
My beautiful green eyed boy Oscar.
Source: via Kitty Lover on We Love Kitties
My cat before long he is in heaven..
My cat
Found her last night in back our house so beatifull with blue eyes
I Such a gorgeous kitty, so pretty….. this is about one of the most expensive kitties money can buy…espcially if they are all white with blue EYES. HOWEVER, I”M NOT TOO SURE ABOUT THEIR temperament !!
This is Bailey, 1yr old.
I have to admit my cats eyes are better
My kitty is a Ragdoll.
Martin Hippie almost as blue as your eyes 😛
aaawww bless hun so adorable and cute x
wow look at his blue eyes really owesome
Karla Wood look at those eyes
That kitty has been hitting the spice.
A water galaxy in the eyes.
This is my cat he has not blue eyes but he is cute
Bob Wolf looks like it could be Willie’s brother!
a bionic cat.hope she finds her home.
Absolutely beautiful love the color blue eyes
oh I love those blue eyes, can I have her, I would love and cherish her forever.
Those eyes look like the mysterious sea and I am completely enchanted. :*
We are Siamese if you dont please…meeooww
Vidhi Vora fell for those eyes
BLUE EYES WHITE CAT, shoukan!!!!
Wow the eyes are so nice!
Thats bluer than my local river… then again everything is bluer than my local river
Merel Bonte even this cat his eyes are beautifuller than mine 🙁
Wow do you think those are real?? Never seen eyes like that on a cat before!!
The most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen!
What incredible eyes – she is so beautiful
Marlee Hennessy as beautiful as your baby blues
This is our cat Pierre…… But now he is lost
i see the ocean through those eyes!!
Pinky Das those eyes….
Sophia Brown this is what ocean eyes is about lol
Awe Lana Lavadier thats how that kitty will look
Lilly Hall looks like sassy!
My beautiful rescue kitten
Raya Saeed i kill u with my eyes!!!!
My beautiful green eyed boy Oscar.