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Credit: instagram.com/dooboo_cat
Jealous face
So cute! Look like the toothless in cartoon
Teddy does this remind you of a certain Pip of a SQUEAK? ehn
A grey cat with jealous face is so cuteee
Kati you when the waiter comes by with food
Black cats are so damn beautiful and cute. I have a gray cat and must get a black too!
Awww. The other baby wants some. When I hand feed I have to have 3 pcs at the ready
Anna Farida the food is mine only! Kata salem kucing sabrina haha
The looks on the second’s cat face lol
Hannah Binx for any cheese/any food I have in general
Dan Shaw if this isn’t Dutch I don’t know what is.
Brenda everytime you shared food to me and jack
Aaron holding out a chip in front of me may elicit this response
Tyler an accurate visualization of Jiji getting any kind of food.
What about the other cat sitting right there waiting and looking
It’s like they stole my cat because it looks the same and act the same omg!
The other cat is thinking, “But Mom, can’t I have some too?”
Christine look at this greedy guy hehehe
XDDD that other cat tho lololol
Todd me when u order a coke
I hope the other can I get some food also
That’s brilliant the other cats face ! My willow used to do that and looked just like black cat x
Molly Petersdorf this totally reminds me of Jojo and his chicken ok!
This cat reminds me of Jenny Linsky from the “Jenny and the Cat Club” children’s book series.
ah very cute i love the black cat just like my cat who passed away in december 8 months ago
Octav Roman you, the black kitty, going for the kefir after I just take a sip of it
Amber Pek The grey one want to eat also, but geisiao
Michelle Linette the other cat didn’t have a chance…
Karolina guuuuuuuurl she looks almost like my kittyyyyy
Source: via Kitty Lover on We Love Kitties
Credit: instagram.com/dooboo_cat
Jealous face
So cute! Look like the toothless in cartoon
Teddy does this remind you of a certain Pip of a SQUEAK? ehn
A grey cat with jealous face is so cuteee
Kati you when the waiter comes by with food
Black cats are so damn beautiful and cute. I have a gray cat and must get a black too!
Awww. The other baby wants some. When I hand feed I have to have 3 pcs at the ready
Anna Farida the food is mine only! Kata salem kucing sabrina haha
The looks on the second’s cat face lol
Hannah Binx for any cheese/any food I have in general
Dan Shaw if this isn’t Dutch I don’t know what is.
Brenda everytime you shared food to me and jack
Aaron holding out a chip in front of me may elicit this response
Tyler an accurate visualization of Jiji getting any kind of food.
What about the other cat sitting right there waiting and looking
It’s like they stole my cat because it looks the same and act the same omg!
The other cat is thinking, “But Mom, can’t I have some too?”
Christine look at this greedy guy hehehe
XDDD that other cat tho lololol
Todd me when u order a coke
I hope the other can I get some food also
That’s brilliant the other cats face ! My willow used to do that and looked just like black cat x
Molly Petersdorf this totally reminds me of Jojo and his chicken ok!
This cat reminds me of Jenny Linsky from the “Jenny and the Cat Club” children’s book series.
ah very cute i love the black cat just like my cat who passed away in december 8 months ago
Octav Roman you, the black kitty, going for the kefir after I just take a sip of it
Amber Pek The grey one want to eat also, but geisiao
Michelle Linette the other cat didn’t have a chance…
Karolina guuuuuuuurl she looks almost like my kittyyyyy