my Mandy , first Siamese. did this with her kittens, first she would bring them IN bed with me, then she put them in the box spring under me. what a love she was
Micah Olsen this kitten does not look comfortable being carried this way lol- though it’s normal and natural blah blah do not pick Luna up this way i mean look at its face
Cheshta Sagar “Okay Cheshta, I’ll go via the metro”
“The bus stop is right there”
“The bus stop is right there”
“How in the world are you carrying me?”
I dont know why but everytime i see a momma cat carry her babies like this i think it is the cutest thing in the whole world
Ooof Ok i know that cats have a dead spot in the neck but that still looks so brutal to me idk x) Still adorable but yeah 😛
my Mandy , first Siamese. did this with her kittens, first she would bring them IN bed with me, then she put them in the box spring under me. what a love she was
Micah Olsen this kitten does not look comfortable being carried this way lol- though it’s normal and natural blah blah do not pick Luna up this way i mean look at its face
Lisa Filitonga is it weird i just want to be how that kitten feels. With someone dealing with life for me hahahha
Cheshta Sagar “Okay Cheshta, I’ll go via the metro”
“The bus stop is right there”
“The bus stop is right there”
“How in the world are you carrying me?”
*scuse me, pain in the patootie, spawn of my booty, coming though-ty … yeah, no, that didn’t work at all XD
When your kids play online game too long
Our mummy also does that. She is very protective mother .
My cat did the same, but it was much more dramatic when my 35# lab mix moved them around.
Alice recovering you from a night out
Jazmin i like how she just casually walked past the cat bed like it didn’t exist
Ainul lookit this mama cat carrying her little fur sausage
so cute cats do this if they feel you are bothering their babies too much. they try and hide them.
Ebtesam how can they do it without hurting?
You’re grounded. Don’t try to run or hide. I’ll find you and ground you again.
Michelle all these mama cat videos popping up bc heather is having elena today
Hannah Murgatroyd you forcing me to pret when you find out I haven’t eaten all day
Got my ears squeezed by my parents during church & it jus looks like this
Uzair Nasir for those sad lonely days that make you feel miserable
David, here is your daily dose of cuteness!
Ashley she has baby!!!
They live in some posh ass house Hazel
Good momma keeping baby safe
Ivan JunYao Ang hehehehehehehehe so cute
One of the best mommas in the animal kingdom!
A cat lives better than I do nice house
Rachael Starr for some reason this looks familiar
Fernando look at those cute ears!!
Aliyah Sheaffer me with u when I’m holding umbrella and it’s raining out
Yee Hsiu i takw you home like this if you naughty
Saul u when u tell me to go to bed early
Schielle Harch making sure they’re safe
What is going on? Is that a real little kitten ?