Cat Eating Cake On His Birthday Is Adorable – We Love Cats and Kittens
We do not know much about these hilarious pictures of a cat eating a birthday cake. What we do know is that he is really enjoying himself, it’s written all over his face or should I say smeared.
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Cat Eating Cake On His Birthday Is Adorable – We Love Cats and Kittens
A cat, in a hat, eating cake, whatever next?
Hope this is some sort of cat food specially made cake , and not a real cake of sugars and lard. If it is , you are feeding poison to your cat !!! Still THINK IT’S CUTE NOW????
I give my cats a half spoon of ice cream for birthday. Because of sugar not being good for them.
Gotta love that tuna flavored icing
We need 4 cakes here! What a fun time! Love it!
Glenn Ramey, Shannon Ramey, you guys gotta see this.