I love a good picture of a Maine Coon, but I’ve never seen one with such fabulous ears!
I love a good picture of a Maine Coon, but I’ve never seen one with such fabulous ears!
I love a good picture of a Maine Coon, but I’ve never seen one with such fabulous ears!
I love a good picture of a Maine Coon, but I’ve never seen one with such fabulous ears!
Sam here was declared to be at least 1/2 medium coat Maine Coon by vets. Recently he has started into a bit of a color change. His totality is still black, but as the coal grey patch on his belly grows in, it looks like he is wearing feline BVDs.
Everyone I would like you to meet Shirley 🙂
Very cute, has ears like a lynx,
Just gorgeous
Those enormous ears.
Such a beauty
How many channels can he get.
Oooh what Gorgeousness !!
How cute a furbaby
Beautiful Cat xx
Great ears!
love the ears
What a beauty!
A little lynx i think
Its so cute!!!!
wow gorg