Watch Daddy’s boy. ❤
Daddy’s boy. ❤
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cool but daddy gave him to much food and daddy will cry when that lovely chap will die on something caused by his obesity
Send the cat to yoga classes.
John Rinyu why does this make me think of your dad lol
Cory this is why you should leave food for meeko and jengo! #fatcats
I still don’t understand how it can jump that high :)))
Nathan you can’t tell me this isn’t willbury
Ellie Costa when you’re done being mad and want attention
Phoebe Rose I picture Diz’s relationship with his cat is like this
Really am so interesting with cats. Love them.
Emma no caption needed, you know what up
Zuk bahh look at him such a cutie
That’s a big boy,so sweet,
How did he jump tho weight problems
No matter how fat the cat is, they always have hops Nick Hoo Anna Truong
Jamie isn’t this bad Melody Sloan
Ahh it reminds me of my Oscar. Miss him everyday, but this put a smile on face thinking of him.
Yu Jong Whan this is literally you and cookie hahahaha
Alyssa I wanna be that cat
he reminds me of my cat, Whikers who is mama’s boy.
All I want in life Kring huhu
Rache you wish pioyo was like this. hehehe
Gotts love the chunky kitty cats!
Okey look it and think ” cant jump ” ….. The obese is still active
So beautiful and chunky!!!
He is so cute but needs to go in a diet or exercise..
Daniel Lepe i want patas to be this fat but at the same time I don’t
The cat is so PHAAAAT!
Boblitz A Michelle show this to MJ. She can’t lie about not being able to jump
I’m surprised he could even make that jump. “Daddy’s boy” needs a diet 😛
Who is the boy? Han Ellen
Give it to me…such a chubby and fluffy one…cute cat
Ashley cat looks vegan
Rob Keuleman K not quite Arya….but close 😉
Brenda nothing but this
James Thadanabath this would have been stanley if we had kept him
Source: via Kitty Lover on We Love Kitties
cool but daddy gave him to much food and daddy will cry when that lovely chap will die on something caused by his obesity
Send the cat to yoga classes.
John Rinyu why does this make me think of your dad lol
Cory this is why you should leave food for meeko and jengo! #fatcats
I still don’t understand how it can jump that high :)))
Nathan you can’t tell me this isn’t willbury
Ellie Costa when you’re done being mad and want attention
Phoebe Rose I picture Diz’s relationship with his cat is like this
Really am so interesting with cats. Love them.
Emma no caption needed, you know what up
Zuk bahh look at him such a cutie
That’s a big boy,so sweet,
How did he jump tho weight problems
No matter how fat the cat is, they always have hops Nick Hoo Anna Truong
Jamie isn’t this bad Melody Sloan
Ahh it reminds me of my Oscar. Miss him everyday, but this put a smile on face thinking of him.
Yu Jong Whan this is literally you and cookie hahahaha
Alyssa I wanna be that cat
he reminds me of my cat, Whikers who is mama’s boy.
All I want in life Kring huhu
Rache you wish pioyo was like this. hehehe
Gotts love the chunky kitty cats!
Okey look it and think ” cant jump ” ….. The obese is still active
So beautiful and chunky!!!
He is so cute but needs to go in a diet or exercise..
Daniel Lepe i want patas to be this fat but at the same time I don’t
The cat is so PHAAAAT!
Boblitz A Michelle show this to MJ. She can’t lie about not being able to jump
I’m surprised he could even make that jump. “Daddy’s boy” needs a diet 😛
Who is the boy? Han Ellen
Give it to me…such a chubby and fluffy one…cute cat
Ashley cat looks vegan
Rob Keuleman K not quite Arya….but close 😉
Brenda nothing but this
James Thadanabath this would have been stanley if we had kept him