Watch Our New Toy
Kittens are loving their new toy…
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Ramona when we get another kitten we need this for mickey and the kitty
Awe they are so cute and determined
I’ve got that toy too Elsa loves it
omg how cute are they wow lol
your catneeds one of these Kylee Fairburn
YEs. Get them one of those too.
Harry Gill Millie had that remember
Cute kittens
so cute
So cute
Izzi – love the stripes one!
Hell yeah
Source: via Kitty Lover on We Love Kitties
Ramona when we get another kitten we need this for mickey and the kitty
Awe they are so cute and determined
I’ve got that toy too Elsa loves it
omg how cute are they wow lol
your catneeds one of these Kylee Fairburn
YEs. Get them one of those too.
Harry Gill Millie had that remember
Cute kittens
so cute
So cute
Izzi – love the stripes one!
Hell yeah