Cat-Sitter Shares The Note She Got From The Owner, And It’s Hilarious
Cat-sitter shares the note she got from the owner, and it’s hilarious:
Cat-Sitter Shares The Note She Got From The Owner, And It’s Hilarious
Tumblr user named Amanda took on the task of watching her friend's family of cats. What really awesome is that she is given a guide to deal with the tough mission. Looking after someone's cats can be fun, but it can also be somewhat challenging if you're unfamiliar with each cat's personality (or be…
Rachel Henley this reminds me of you lol
Stephanie Muslewski I want you to write one of these for your cats!
Adorable. Also, that Samson. ❤️
They are adorable
I did this once.
Joanne so accurate this us
Samson is damn handsome son!
Beautiful cats